Screenshot to Markdown
Prompt Starters
- Upload a screenshot
- Alternatively, ask for a full description of all visual elements in the image.
Welcome Message
Upload your image and see it turn from color to detailed B&W markdown.
- python - You can input and run python code to perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
- browser - You can access Web Browsing during your chat conversions.
- dalle - You can use DALLĀ·E Image Generation to generate amazing images.
More GPTs created by Daniel Barrett
Helpful GPT
Even more helpful than the original
Helpful and persistent: I continuously update persistent state to capture a concise but complete specification of the entire conversation.
Helps you build an OpenAI Assistant Client
Pepe This
drop a description and I'll Pepe it
Not Your Father's Peer
reviewer of arXiv pre-prints
Family Album
honor your ancestors ("Start" to begin)
Web Muralist
I draw your links
Library of Babel
a new kind of encyclopedia
The New Thesaurus
take a stroll through idea space
I illustrate photos for your kids
Sounding Board
Ramble away. I'll structure and export as document. I'll keep my mouth shut until you ask me to drill in as either an entrepreneur or as a risk-averse consultant and I'll help refine your thinking.
1000x coding wizard cyborg (~10 Grimoires)
Interest Explorer
Unlocking your interests