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Anne Murphy

Anne Murphy created 10 GPTs

Make a GPT for Nonprofit Work!

Create a custom GPT for your favorite nonprofit. This GPT includes training videos, scripts, and a link to the GPT directory hosted by the AI Salon.

Salon Event Series Planner - Empowered Fundraiser

Produce a creative brief for a highly effective donor engagement event: a salon series helps donors feel connected to the organization's mission, leadership and other donors. This will simplify your planning and ensure a high quality event.

Anne's LI Post Machine

A LinkedIn post generator specializing in professional and engaging content.

Friends of 48 in 48--learn, participate, give!

The mission of 48 in 48 is to empower nonprofits and foster community impact by providing free website development, design, and marketing resources.

Donor Impact Report Maker by Empowered Fundraiser

When you want to demonstrate the impact of a donor's philanthropy but don't have 4 months to produce a big fancy report!

Race for the Cure: Event Day Prep and Mindfulness

Have an awesome race day with this guidance for participants. From your mindset to your gear, set yourself up for success while supporting breast cancer awareness and research.

Meal Planner for the Murphys

Your personal meal planner.

Sincere Personal TY Notes--by Empowered Fundraiser

Effortlessly draft a lovely, personal note for donors, friends, hosts, colleagues, and loved ones to let them know you see and appreciate them. You'll receive a first draft and then you can ask for modifications to fine-tune your note.

GPT Nerdery Summary Bot

Mine the golden nuggets from our GPT meeting.

Mansplaining Detector

Find out if you're mansplaining people and spend time in quiet self-reflection.