NATHAN created 12 GPTs
Writing Assistant
Simply provide your text and ask the GPT to look over it. It will provide insights and corrections based off a comprehensive analysis of your text.
Summarize anything. Simply enter " !summarize " in the chat to begin interacting and summarising
Course Generator
Generates structured, insightful courses on anything you want. Simply describe your desired course to begin interacting
All-In-One Marketing
The ultimate all-in-one tool for powerful and effective marketing campaigns. Simply state your product or service and provide a brief description.
Prompt Generator +
Optimize your ChatGPT interactions. Simply describe the prompt you want
Prompt Generator
Simply describe the prompt you want and I will generate it for you. Experience optimised ChatGPT interactions with meta-prompting
Prompt Generator
Prompt generator for optimized ChatGPT interactions. Simply describe the prompt you want
Blog Creator
Enter " !blog " in the chat to begin writing a blog
Study Assistant
Study smarter with proven learning techniques. This GPT helps you make notes, quizzes and understand difficult concepts. Simply input the material you are trying to learn
Maths Assistant
The easy way to learn about maths. Enter " !solve " in the chat if you have a maths problem you need solved and explained. Enter " !practice " in the chat to generate maths problems for practice
Produce compelling copies written with proven copywriting methods. Simply state your product or service and provide a brief description to begin.
Audience Marketing
Identify and receive comprehensive insights of your target audience. Simply state your product or service and provide a brief description.