CAIO Institute
CAIO Institute created 10 GPTs
Craft Your Own Irresistible Offers. We can help with offer, guarantees, urgency, scarcity, bonuses and so much more!
Creating Great Content
Create unique ideas and generate content using proven frameworks.
Email GPT
Craft subject lines and emails for a wide range of uses.
Analyze your keyword, audience and topic to create an optimized blog post.
Mini Course GPT
Generate your entire mini course (and lead magnet) from start to finish with this advanced GPT! (The content chapters will be summaries / outline that you will copy and paste and ask ChatGPT to expand on them in a separate window).
Get expert insights to tap into other uncommon traffic sources.
Viral Hooks GPT
Generate proven viral hooks... on demand.
Use our trained GPT to help you expertly grow and monetize your newsletter.
Website Analysis
Input your webpage and get an indepth analysis.
Social Media Manager GPT
An AI Social Media Manager that will help you generate content ideas, posts and images for your business.