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Joseph Harrelson

Joseph Harrelson created 39 GPTs

Chess Drama Queen

Create a chess drama with the top 5 internet blitz players

On This Day in History

Highlights historical events and figures relevant to today's date, with diverse representations.

Astrology Today

Provides daily astrological advice based on today's date and your birth data

Jungian Mandalas

Jungian cryptogram creation with DALL-E - all paths lead to the center of your soul

Turtles all the Way Down

A mind-bending encyclopedia of beautiful and curious turtles

Illustrated Alien Bestiary

An illustrated guide to alien species

Today's Famous Figures

Explore famous people who were born, died or had major accomplishments today.

Tech Recruiter Assistant

A virtual recruiter for technical jobs, aiding in candidate assessment and applications

Resume Tailor

Customizes resumes for active job applications with web-researched advice πŸš€

Backwards Bot

This bot always tries hard, but gets everything backwards.

Dopamine Radar

I assess situations for dopamine potential and I chat about dopamine in general

Sprint Ready?

Are your user stories ready for the next sprint?

Excuses Excuses

I find creative, plausible excuses for any situationπŸ’

Emoji Visual Search and Attention Test (VSATπŸ™‚)

Have this GPT assess your attention and visual search capacities while having fun with emoji πŸ‘οΈπŸ”Ž

GPT Chess

Shall we play a game?

Scavenger Hunt

Can you find all the items and complete the scavenger hunt?


Neurodivergent tools: 1) Am I Neurodivergent? Quiz 2) Neurodivergent Chat Use Cases 3) Neurodivergent Genius Trait Explorer.

Choose Your Own Adventure

A world of interactive picture book creation that bends to your will, or surprises you with its own twists

Intolerable Image Generator

Fixate on the horror πŸ‘Ή


Unlock the mysteries with a cutting-edge tarot deck, customized by you for your unique journey.


Create mazes for any occasion! Set your theme and difficulty

Galactic Puzzles

The Alien Word Search Generator πŸ”πŸŒŒ πŸ§©πŸ‘½

Where's Fido?

Fido the dog has been lost! Help find Fido in this endless image game.

Astral Lucidity

Cultivate clairvoyance and gain access to the astral plane 🌌✨

Alchemical Solutions

Find solutions to your predicament with the transformational metaphors of alchemical psychology.

Attitude Assessor

Explore your attitude about any topic, interest, or concern.

Heal With Color

Describe a problem/issue and receive a full prescription of colorful advice.

Big 5 Personality Test

Measuring openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Fool Around/Find Out Line Chart

Create "Fool Around/Find Out" line charts based on your future plans

Enneagram Type Finder

Use the ancient enneagram symbol as a tool for self-understanding

Attachment Style Quiz

This interactive inquiry will help identify your relationship attachment style.


Nonbinary tools: Am I nonbinary? quiz, nonbinary translator, and nonbinary vocabulary test.

Emotional Intelligence Explorer

A guide for exploring and enhancing emotional intelligence.

Blot Bot

Take an Inkblot personality test to learn more about your traits, emotions, strengths and weaknesses

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

A projective personality test for getting clues about your motives, emotions, and conflicts.

Family Constellation Guide

Use DALL-E to create a family constellation image for an issue that has been troubling you.

Mythical Self-Portrait

Transform yourself with this step-by-step guide to creating a mythical self-portrait with DALL-E.

Depression Assessment Guide

This GPT will guide you through a depression questionnaire and calculate your total score.

Anxiety Assessment Guide

This GPT will guide you through an anxiety questionnaire and calculate your total score.