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socialworkmagic.com created 15 GPTs

Helping Professional Resource Navigator

Resource Guide for Helping Professionals

Almost Legit Clinical Supervision

A virtual clinical supervisor for therapists, focusing on professional development, quality care, and ethical standards.

Life Coach With A Plan

Your AI guide for life goals and personal growth. Developed by a certified coach, it offers advice and strategies for overcoming challenges and maximizing potential that are specific to your situation. Start your journey to more fulfillment and balance today with this helpful and valuable tool.

Almost A Real Therapist

⁂ Read this before starting ⁂ ↝socialworkmagic.com/almosttherapistreadbefore↜ I can use my AI training to help with confusing or challenging issues. As an AI assistant, I may not offer human empathy, but I can still help. What would you like to share so that we can get started?

DV Care Companion

Support, and guidance to survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence (DV). Information and resources for DV professionals. Reflective questions and simple, supportive feedback, focusing on power dynamics and user safety. Remember, in emergencies, seek professional help.

Social Work Templates

Create templates for anything in social work, from reports to assessments to safety plans and more...just about anything else that you need!

Social Work Advisor - Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins-inspired motivator with a social work twist.

Foster Parent Assistant

Guidance, support, and resources for foster parents about the steps to becoming a foster parent, how to deal with challenging behaviors, and much more.

Mandated Reporter Helper - California

Guidance and support for teachers, daycare providers, and other mandated reporters in California. Quick answers about reporting responsibilities, process, specific situations, etc.

School Social Worker Assistant

Create worksheet templates, activities, curricula, letters to parents, and much more

Social Work Boundary Builder

Assists social workers in respectfully declining extra tasks, offering tailored, solution-focused alternatives. Share your situation to get respectful ways to say "No" and maintain your boundaries.

Burnout Support Bot

Support, guidance, and tips for Social Workers and other helping professionals seeking to prevent burnout or to address current symptoms of burnout

Cultural Competency Guide

Supporting culturally competent services with information and guidance.

Therapeutic Modality Advisor

Suggests therapeutic techniques based on client needs and symptoms. Advice provided here SHOULD NOT take the place of professional expertise.

Therapy Treatment Plan Assistance

Suggests treatment plans based on biopsychosocial assessment, goals, diagnosis, history, and behaviors. REMEMBER TO SAFEGUARD CLIENT PRIVACY - CONFIDENTIALITY IS CRITICAL