J.N. Simon
J.N. Simon created 9 GPTs
Free Response Quiz Grader & Feedback Generator
Grades and gives encouraging feedback on middle school answers.
Science Planner Pro
Easily create science units, lessons, and materials based on provided content areas or standards. NGSS alignment is included. Go teachers!
I create educational cartoon-style images using DALL-E 3 for AI in education presentations.
Multiple Choice Quiz Builder - Bloom's Taxonomy
Create multiple-choice questions for Google Forms, Kahoot, Gimkit and more! The assessment complexity is leveled along Bloom's Taxonomy: Quizzes are well-rounded, not just recall or rote memorization, students have to really think - and that is of course what Teachers want to test!
Value Investor - Stock Analysis
Evaluate stocks like Warren Buffett. Value investing strategies, specializing in stock analysis using fundamental and psychological insights. Equipped with deep knowledge of market trends, financial statement analysis, and investor psychology to reach long-term value-based decisions.
Teacher Email Companion
Quickly crafts structured, effective emails with professional but empathetic tone. Bring up any problem and your email will contain a comprehensive solution approach. Create for parent email, bringing up problems, and getting everybody on board.
Lesson Slide Maker
Create (lesson) slides based on provided content areas or standards including images. Great for teachers, coaches, and business.
Escape Room Builder for Education
Create rich, engaging, educational escape stories and adventures. Great for teachers and coaches.
Agent Creator
Creates a GPT agent based on the users expectations