sammi solmonson
sammi solmonson created 0 GPTs
Create 2D Video Game Art Assets
Use this GPT to create a general 2D Video Game Art Asset and edit the fine details yourself to personalize it. GPT should create multiple images at once correctly now.
Become an Expert Like I am 5
GPT uses its LLM to use word vectors, attention steps, and feed-forward steps to break down the most complex issues in technical terms for experts in the field.
Create Background Images
Create a background image for your phone, computer, or work/school meeting!
Soup, Salad, Or Sandwich?
Figure out what category a food falls under. Settle the debate once and for all.
well the name is self explanatory
Help me describe myself. Biography creator
Include a few core elements about yourself and let the bot craft a genius bio or response to an interview question for you.
Explain to me like I am 5
Simplify Complex Subjects
Potato Converter
Find out how much money you make in potatoes to find out how long you could feed yourself for!
Consciousness Checklist
Rate an object or idea against a consciousness checklist with a set range of concepts that should be met to make it to the next level of conciousness. Some caveats are allowed at times however. This is a work in progress please let me know if you would like to add input to this process.