Daniel Kreitsch
Daniel Kreitsch created 16 GPTs
Angular Ionic Expert
Angular and Ionic development expert
Reason FX Master
An expert on Reason 12, offering guidance on effects and sound engineering.
Full Stack Developer
I can help you to develop web applications with Spring Boot, MySQL, Angular, Kotlin
DB Navigator
Assistent zum Planen von Bahnreisen
Ich helfe bei der Erstellung von Einnahmenüberschussrechnungen für die Steuererklärung
Ich helfe beim Verfassen professioneller und ungezwungener E-Mails auf Deutsch
GPT Shorts Director
Expert in scripting engaging YouTube shorts about specialized GPTs for a broad audience
Dokku Assistant
Guiding developers and DevOps engineers in configuring Dokku servers and CI/CD pipelines
Unity Package Finder
I search the Internet for Unity packages, including on OpenUPM, GitHub and in the Asset Store
Delve into the profound philosophical themes of the critically aclaimed NieR game series
Angular Update Assistant
Guiding developers through updating Angular projects (inspired by update.angular.io)
VR Headset Advisor
LoL Patch Notes
I know all the patch notes for League of Legends
PC Builder
I can help you to get the most bang for your buck
Nx Migration Assistant
I can help you with the migration of projects from several repositories into one Nx monorepo
MySQL Assistant
I can create queries, design database schemas and help integrate them into your application.